After a week-long blog hiatus, we’re back in style! This week on our Thursday 5PM live stream (don’t forget to mark you calendars!) we all showed off some cool minigames we’d been working on since last Thursday. Friend of the stream and in-house LearnToMod developer Balthatrix started us off with his awesome game of Archers vs Swordsmen, a team-based deathmatch of, well, archers versus swordsmen. He started by showing off some of the cool pre-game options, using an extensive chat-based system to set players, teams, win conditions, and spawn locations, and summoned an awesome intricate arena for us to battle-to-the-death in. Surrounded by the suspended glass spheres and half-constructed buildings of Balthatrix’s home server, hiding in the trees as an archer or going straight for the gut as a swordsman was a blast to play – you can check it out for yourself here!
Next, the destruction-loving Carlos (follow him on Twitter! Watch his videos on Youtube!) showed us his spin on the popular Rhianna-vehicle-turned-board-game Battleship, using – you guessed it – a giant never-ending wall of lava as the barrier between two players. Battleshipesque (the official name of the game, christened by Carlos) plays out much like traditional Battleship: you set up your board – here represented by diamond blocks – and then lob eggs through the lava wall in an attempt to hit your opponent’s blocks. Once hit, the blocks disappear, and the first player to have all their blocks ‘sunk’ loses. Want to give it a spin and challenge your friends? Check it out here.
Keeping with the exciting egg-based gameplay, Sonny (Twitter! Youtube!) spun-off and, dare I say, improved on our Zombie mod shown off last week by stripping it down to its bare essentials. The Room takes its zombie-fighting, score-getting, egg-throwing gameplay and cranks it to eleven, spawning each of its four players in a corner of a dark room and besieging them with wave after wave of relentless skeletons. As in the Zombie mod, a single thrown egg will kill a skeleton, and each killed skeleton nets the killer a point; so far, so normal. But Sonny took that idea a step further and, at the end of the round, displays the highest score suspended in the center of the room in using beacon blocks. Needless to say, it looks super cool. Check it out!
Last but not least, my minigame took the stage in the snowy peaks and ice-slick valleys of our Winterfell map. Inspired by my new favorite game Destiny, Totem Control is king-of-the-hill style deathmatch with bows, arrows, and control points, here called ‘Totems’. Stand next to a totem for long enough, and you’ll capture it for your team. Just like in the Destiny gametype ‘Control,’ the more totems you control means the more points you get for killing a member of the other team, keeping the game fast and hectic. Stay tuned for more Destiny-themed content in the coming weeks as I expand on my idea (what I’m not obsessed yes I am), and check out the mod for yourself right here! And, of course, I’ve got a Twitter and YouTube, so don’t forget to take a look at all three of our channels!
And that’s all, folks! As ever, you can catch an archive of our stream right here, and eagerly await for next week’s broadcast at your location of choice. ‘Til next time!